Craiglist is one of the most popular website in the world, but there are plenty of reasons to consider making some changes. Craigslist need to change in terms of design, layout, and usability.
The problem of Craiglist
1. The Design is Bland and Outdated.
2. Logging In, Signing Up, and Managing an Account is More Difficult than Necessary.
3. Screen Space is not well-arranged.
4. There is no navigation menu that appears consistently throughout the website.
Positive aspects of Craiglist
1. Craigslist is one of the most recognizable website.
2. Nonprofit website
3. Easy to post
4. Fast loading Pages
Challenges of Redesign
1. Oranization (because of so much content)
2. Improving the website while keeping Craigslist's identity
3. Change a little bit for user who have become accustomed to doing
The Suggested Design
1. Use little color ->monochromatic color with of a few shades of blue
2. Width (760px -> 960px)
3. Typography (serif -> Georgia font) make easy to read
4. Branding (make simple logo with Goudy Bookletter 1911 font)
5. Icons
Layout(Table, Header, Sidebar,Footer)
Usability(Login-In Form on the Home Page, Link to "Create an Account" on the Home Page,
Consistent Navigation, Account Management)
My ideas: This is a great idea. Of course, many people are using Craigslist to share their ideas and seek what they want. I think it has great economical effects on the website in terms of advertising. It is a great place to advertise products because so many people visit this site. This means Ad can be exposed to the public and people can adjust Ad easily. With the revenue from Ad, Craigslist can be more usable and attractive. Actually, Craigslist is a very poplar website, but as soon as people enter the website, it makes them confused because of too much content on the first page. Obviously, this website needs improvement. I hope to see the website having good design and usability.